Shelter In Place ~ Broadcast Transcript from April 19, 2020
JESUS – He was and is and is to come, Beginning and the end, Author and Finisher of our faith
IT IS FINISHED… Complete and total wholeness in Him while we are on this journey here on Earth – we are not alone. He was with us, He is with us and He will be with us. He was with us at the beginning and He walks with us until the end. He is authoring our steps and He is perfecting us until we are finished in our faith walk.
In this process, Jesus is revealing Himself to each one of us in a most beautiful and intimate way so rest assured ALL His creation (including you & me) will one final moment in time come into the full knowledge of the truth… Of HIM, Jesus, the truth, the way and the life. But for now we are living souls crying out to be delivered from the old creature into the new.
His Kingdom shall not end. Jesus is in us as that unshakable Kingdom. As most of us are aware, everything outward is being shaken at the moment unlike what we are commonly used to – some it caught a little off guard and others, not so much – We are in a sort of birthing process in which HE REMAINS INWARDLY, while through shaking OUTWARD APPEARANCES fall off, unless they set the same example Jesus did while walking the Earth as the Word made flesh.
We too are being raised up incorruptible, so that we walk as He walked, spoke as He spoke, do what He did… Jesus is the only way to the Father, we follow this most precious lamb wherever He goes.
Sooo exciting – to actually rule and reign with Jesus on Earth! Aren’t you excited? What if I told you we are in that process right now? Beginning with: Ruling and Reigning with Jesus inwardly to manifest Him outwardly – oh this is so amazing! We always thought that verse was in future tense didn’t we? When actually it goes hand in hand with us decreasing and Him increasing within us – dying to self to the point, it is no longer I who live, but Him who lives through me or you, of course… How do we rule and reign on Earth with Jesus? Surrender everything to Him, everything.
For those who are a little frantic at the moment over the going’s on in the World – rest in HIM, seeking Jesus continually – I always feel bad because some of you all have to grow up fast, which some of us have had years of disciplined love at the Father’s hands. The first thing He usually does is start breaking off all outward influences on our lives, in order to help us serve One Master – our Lord and King. Since time is so short, the shaking is gaining intensity to remove things quicker. So for those who are babes or holding onto rebellious ways and such – and have been ruling and reigning with Him OUTWARDLY, this shaking is going to cause you to be a little frantic at times. But no fear – Jesus knows perfectly what He is doing and will not lose one of His own, ever. And believe me, as a runaway bride, if He could have lost anyone, it would have been me. And one of these days – just trust me in this – you will learn to not only not despise the chastisement of the Lord, but long for and love it. The fullness of the Father’s love includes embracing and instruction – but it takes precepts to accept both. So hang in there – He is building a masterpiece – YOU!
Our refining is supposed to be more precious than gold, right? He is burning all rebellion out of us and for some it feels like they are being smothered to death (Oh how I remember those days… thinking He honestly had forsaken me, yep – I convinced myself He had completely rejected me on more than one occasion). For others, the refining is a way lesser degree (which I think because the process has been much longer for many of us – we have been in the fire a very long time) regardless the end result is the same – A precious and fine vessel. Regardless, inside the fire (Jesus is with us) so we all feel the purging process – the degree of pressure correlates to just how much faith one has vs. rebellion.
Please do not think I am minimizing this process and saying it is easy, because it is not – but eventually you just get to point where you are at the end of your rope/being end of yourself, realizing just how clueless you are and suddenly you say to yourself… Lord You alone are God and I am not, you shake your head, sigh, cry and finally let go of all the things you religiously thought you knew, practices you kept, advice you gave and all the opinions of man and you come to the conclusion… I’ve come to far to deny Him now, then you surrender in a free fall, thinking sometimes you will surely die this time. But you don’t, you get back up and you dust yourself off and you realize – Hey, I have less ashes, dirt and dust on me this time than I did the last time… So you shake it off and keep walking in His joy – until the next time you fall… Every follower of Jesus falls, it is what you do after that fall that counts… Victor or victim? And really… That is a whole study on its own and involves what “kind” you are of… Caught up in rebellion or caught up in Jesus. We may have to discuss that one day – when offense is at a minimum.
Have you noticed how this Shaking season we are in is perfectly orchestrated to pull us away individually to be with Jesus? Before we admit we relied pretty heavily on one another didn’t we? But right now it seems Jesus is showing up in a new way, a pressing way and when this happens we rely mostly on Him, don’t we? Like when the chips are all down we know instinctively who we can count on and it isn’t humanity. It kind of reminds me of us being pulled into the Bridal Chamber, spiritually speaking. Often the Lord removes those who we place as a go between – between Himself and us. Jesus is truly the only mediator we need between us and the Father. In order we see this truth – He removes those who we go to first in our time of need outside of Himself.
Those of us currently in this state are discovering a beautiful simplicity and purity within the abiding in Jesus found only when we are sincerely devoted to Him.
- Our struggles really increase when Jesus is not enough for us inwardly, even though we may try to cover it up with a smile or scripture.
- His love does not relent, therefore one day we will finally accept fullness/wholeness is only found in Him.
- Counterfeits in our lives and the World for that matter are being plucked up – it is almost as if they are losing “access” to us – I for one am grateful, its been a long time coming. Jesus as our hedge of protection is literally causing the enemy to flee and we need not do anything but surrender to Him.
- You will find there are some people you just “know” and “click” with and others flee in your presence. Who you gather with are your kind – being of one spirit and mind.
- We are binding with those creatures who’s spirit are the same “kind” as us… I can’t really share all about that today – but this is very important to the Father and is in Genesis if you want to study it more on your own.
- Jesus as Lord tolerates NO MIXTURE
- He purifies the mixture out of us so our actions do not deny Him before men while our mouths confess Him as Lord.
- To die is gain, only when Jesus is our reward. Hey, you all remember when we used to think Heaven was our reward? I am just using that as an example of the difference between outward and inward devotion to Him. Outward we had our eyes on Heaven, Inward we have them on Jesus. But we gotta give Him glory – He did all this work within us, thank You Lord and some of us are not so easy to train up, are we?
- To die is gain when it is no longer I who lives to work, but it is He who does works within me first then I may do works to glory only Him. Again – it is outward vs inward – He flows OUT from within us so the change of us starts inwardly where no eye can see.
- Hard Truth Alert – The old hasn’t passed away for many because it got them what they wanted in the past. Many right now are so full of mixture they need a lot of prayer, tough love and correction followed by instruction by some firm and elder believers who are not moved emotionally. They are playing on the edge with fire… walking continually in offense.
- The Father’s shaking is so merciful to secure us, right prior to His indignation passing over the whole Earth. Never, ever forget He is for us, not against us!
- Please note: Before the enemy can seed our minds – he has to know it first, which explains why he competes with the Lord for our attention.
All righty… I really have to share a deep concern of mine and I thank you all for listening and praying and whatever else the Lord would lead you to do is great, as well. Lord I ask that You would speak through me to deliver precisely the message to the little flock You showed me as You prepared their ears and hearts to hear in Spirit and truth before I even came on air. Amen. You all ready?
Okay, here we go… Although I am speaking to a few for a moment, I believe this message is for all who have those they deeply love and are sent to guard and watch over. After all that is what Shepherds do – whether you are a shepherd over many or just one, if you have the Father’s heart at all – you present a covering over the ones you deeply love – including your family. Paul and some other disciples spoke of this sort of love in 1Thessalonians Chapter 2 if you would like to read the full story. But for today, I am just going to share verses 7 and 8:
But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherishes her children. So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because you were dear to us.
This sort of love supersedes natural love, it is on a higher spiritual plane and though it may bless the natural, it does not end naturally. These are they of your own “kind.” And for me, well that is some of you – the little naïve ones, the hurt and broken, most often love starved who need nursed back to health with love itself. To those looking in, this sounds crazy, but to those who receive in such a way (you know who you are) please find rest in the truth the Lord did this because if you did not love me in such a way – you could not receive the Lord’s guidance and instruction, leaving you very vulnerable in the midst of wolves who are in sheep’s clothing. When a sheep has a broken leg, it needs protection until ready to join the flock and be about its own, day and night lest a wolf could devour it. I realize I am handing over many stones right now to be used against me… But hey, that’s okay, no worries it is going to be well worth it in the end. You see, in order to receive from someone you must first find commonality with them – something familiar to what they have walked out in measurement to what you, yourself are experiencing. Then you must love them enough to hear the truth of what is being shared. If these two factors are not present, one will quickly fall into a place of rebelling against that person sent and store up a quiver full of fiery darts to use against that messenger, speaking whispers to lure the little ones away so they are confused and scattered. I have no clue why people do this – but some actually listen to someone just in order to discount everything which is being said.
The Word tells us – How can they hear unless one be sent? Anyone who is saved, is qualified, called, then sent out, if they have a willing heart to surrender to Jesus are sent. Many of you are walking in this very assignment every day and you may not even know it.
I will warn you – You become someone’s instant enemy when they confess something to you and they don’t want to change, or rather repent so they scatted bitter seeds among the flock.
As for me… Well, I know you all very well by the Holy Spirit, like Paul, my heart is turned towards you in a most loving embrace, doing all I can for the sake of love, in that you are strengthened in the Lord.
Here is the Scripture I really take to heart striving to the best of my ability in complete surrender to Jesus in Titus 2 and is excellent for some of you as well, because you share in this heartcry – which says:
An older (ONE WHO PRESIDES OVER AN ASSEMBLY/AMBASSADOR/SET APART ONE) woman should be reverent (BEHAVE AS AN EXAMPLE OF HOLINESS) in the way they should live, not slander (FALSELY ACCUSE) others, be of a sober mind and teach only which is good (WHICH IS ACTUALY PHILLIPPIANS 4:8 — Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.). We also should urge (TEACH) those who are females younger in the faith to be sober, love their husbands and children – to be self-controlled and pure – to be busy (KEEPER) in their homes, be kind and surrendered to Jesus so that no one maligns (BLASPHEMIES) the Word of God.
Now for some of you – that was a lightbulb moment and you smiled… You have a knowing of pieces of your purpose here on Earth and yet no Scripture to match it with… Well there you go – Your heart’s desire written in the Word unfolded today. To be this sort of female was transcribed within the Spiritual DNA of God’s Daughters. I wonder why we separate from our initially ordained purpose? Oh well, it doesn’t matter – what does matter is the Lord is purging us from everything that does not align with how we were fearfully and wonderfully made.
Real quick… In case you are having trouble relating to what I am saying… If you have children or even a pet – if you saw someone or something coming towards that child or pet to devour it – would you do nothing? Well I know most, if not all of you would place yourself between the threat and that child or pet. You would prefer you be torn to shreds than the predator snatch them up. So for a moment… I am standing in that gap and now that I have your attention… let’s go to Jude, because the Word can explain the threat much better than I.
Vs 12 – there are spots at your love feasts… and when they feast with you, they only care about feeding themselves.
Spots = people who by their conduct damage others morally or wreck them with confusion
Love Feasts = gathering places to fellowship in affection, goodwill, brotherly/sisterly love
***Please do not ever think that because your intentions are pure, others are as well
Some people actually come to fellowship where there is love to only take something from others, not caring if they hurt others or cause confusion and most often they are not even aware the enemy is using them. Don’t forget that!
In Jude it tells us they “crept in unaware…” however, sometimes the Lord will show us either by revelation or possibly divine intervention or even experience behind the scenes with that person that they are truly misleading others in a most crafty way.
Let’s go over some of their “fruit…” I call it revealing fruit, because they may appear to present themselves in love – but one of their signatures is most always they play a victim, just needing someone to talk to, their actions are quite the opposite secretly, yet at times they cannot hold back the truth of themselves and in Jude we can see listed some of that truth:
- They may take advantage of your grace to exploit you for selfish gain without shame
- Full of lust, fornication
- They deny Jesus – often by appearing He is too weak to be enough to save them
- Are seeking revenge from what happened in their past
- They target those who are not like them or rather their “kind” – strange flesh
- Dream up ways to harm others or advantage themselves
- Despise authority and Godly order, in rebellion, unteachable
- Speak evil of those who know the truth of them or elders in the church
- If they do not know something they automatically conclude it is not truth and speak evil against it because they only see naturally and actually corrupt themselves.
- They have gone the way of Cain – meaning they have a murderous spirit and think – Am I my brother’s keeper? In other words, they only look out for themselves.
- Rebellious
- Greedy – scheming for sympathy and money
- They have no fear of God
- They do not have life because they refuse to partake of Jesus – who is life, rather looking to men to satisfy their desires and needs
- They go to and fro repeating the same patterns
- They have no fruit, will experience the second death when plucked up by the roots – because they are not grounded in Christ
- They will be proven by the Saints when they come with Jesus to execute judgment of all their ungodly deeds their “hard” speeches (meaning: what they said to offend or hurt someone, their harshness towards others, tendencies to be violent and deceit)
- They go around raging, speaking about their own shame – yet accusing others for their wrong doings.
- They murmur and complain always, instead of counting blessings
- They speak words to flatter others to inflate someone’s ego for gain – they only do this to benefit themselves and will often gravitate to leaders openly, while slaying them in secret
- They mock others (complain, find fault, make fun of) because they want what they want and will do anything to get it
- They isolate and separate themselves, laying wait to prey upon the innocent, lurking and pop up out of nowhere
- They are sensual (alluring to draw you in) and you may even believe they have the Holy Spirit within them, but they don’t
- They have a pattern – With words of flattery and service they try to get close to leaders, lying in wait to harm and gain advantage over the little flock who are naïve to their devices
Ugh… That was a lot – and all of it is out of Jude.
Let’s not be like them, okay? Because their future is eternal death.
So right now this very moment – We have two types of people among us… Some of you are like wow, thank You Lord for this revelation or confirmation (if you already are aware of this Scripture by the Spirit) and then others are offended. It seems every single time we gather together at least a few people will wonder why I am talking about them? I am always shocked, because that is an admission of guilt on their part –knowing the Scripture corrects us all, doesn’t it? And none are perfected yet, right? And truthfully, if we hold the candle of what I just read, all of us are guilty of some, if not all of it, at some point and time. Repentance is such a free gift, thank You Lord. Scripture corrects, it does not offend, nor is it purposed to do so… If the truth offends us, we are not walking in it.
I have a method to my madness here… As one being sent to warn a few of my gathered little ones, those ones I cherish and they cherish me… Please be on guard, there are wolves among you – please keep emailing me like you do with concerns, so we can seek the Lord together to insure Jesus is Your guiding example in all your steps.
It pains me at times to see you all being lured in and entangled with a known wolf. I see you sometimes getting so close to the edge it takes my breath away… I pray and miraculously it seems Jesus intervenes on your behalf, then I can breathe again.
The Lord led me to read something to you, it is a familiar story you will recognize right away when I tell you the title – The Boy Who Cried Wolf. When the Lord gave me this in prayer, I was shocked at how relevant it is – I haven’t read this in over forty years. It is relevant today while you are watching youtube, watching the news, in various chatrooms – even if they are a love feast, in skype, attending supposed Christian Conferences and wherever you wander to engage with a mixture of people. He did send us out as sheep among wolves – don’t forget that.
Let’s read this story – you are going to be amazed.
***The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Just to review the parable of this story ~
Often when we are idle and thirsty for love we will seek inappropriate attention and when people surround us – we will gloat in joy they paid attention to us, which only feeds attention seeking ways in others. We also will sit in a place of rebellion and plug our ears to authority or Elders as they instruct us with wisdom for our own sakes. When they are upset by our foolish and childish ways we may grin that we got under their skin, which is rebellious craftiness. In our minds we are constantly planning our next attempt for attention. After a period of time of tempting God, our covering hand of protection is lifted in that we learn a valuable lesson. Keeping in mind our words go out to perform, not returning void – if we sow lies, in turn we will reap those same lies upon us – where the exact lie we told will manifest in our own lives. The Father will allow us to be isolated, removed and vulnerable when the lie we told arrives at our own doorstep, so we can reflect on the harm our stories caused upon others. We may feel rejected, however, it our childish schemes which are rejected, not us personally. So a time will come in which we will need those we have lied to in such a way and they will not be there – then the Lord sends someone to comfort us in truth because truth always exposes a lie. We must remember lies break trust and nobody believes a liar, even when they tell the truth… Just like the serpent did not technically lie to Eve, he was of the wrong source – leading many astray.
You all… don’t you listen to lucifer’s speech believing you can be saved without repentance. And just like satan entered into Peter preventing Jesus from going to the cross – satan has entered that vessel to sway you asleep into drunkenness mixture.
John 8 tells us clearly about those who speak opposing themselves and the Lord:
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
Before we wrap it up for today, the Lord led me to share with you Acts 3:
19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.
To be converted – SAVED – one must repent and our Father is a God of order in such a precious way. We recognize our sin, confess it, Jesus delivers us from hungering for that sin so that we may turn away from it and not do it again – CONVERTED – from the old creature nature to the new creature and THEN OUR SINS ARE BLOTTED OUT… In other words, the more we seek Jesus, the less we have that desire to sin – but we must seek Him with our whole hearts in truth and believe me – the fruit is the proof.
When our consciences are seared we don’t even feel guilty or when we love darkness more than light we will make excuses – here is one – Jesus covers me in His blood and mercy (all the while we are thinking – I can do sinful things and it will be okay) No it is not okay, nor will it be. It is time to wake up church and have a sober mind. Stop drinking in the mixture preached by man and study to show ourselves approved before God – read His word, gaining the strength to overcome all things in HIM.
I guarantee us all, if we truly believed Jesus was coming tonight… We would be so busy repenting we wouldn’t have time to do or say anything to anybody between now and the next ten hours. Our issue is – we really, really believe He has delayed His coming. But what if? He is taking roll call right now? We don’t know when the time of the Gentiles will close – do we? He certainly caught the Israelites off guard, didn’t He? Let that not be any of us. Please pray about and consider He is marking foreheads with His seal in preparation for His day of wrath.
Sadly, it is likely the ones who need to hear this won’t and those who do not need to hear it are already checking their hearts… It is just the way it goes.
You can always tell who is seeking to be Holy as their Father in Heaven is Holy – humility and lack of accusation and if they accuse anyone it is themselves. I know it is impossible offenses not come – but Lord help us to overcome being offended by Your written words.
Do we know what the FIRST COMMANDMENT is?
Jesus said it is the first commandment and great commandment… To LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, ALL THY SOUL AND ALL THY MIND.
Well, with all this shaking going on, bringing down idols we are being pressed into a corner to do just that very thing, aren’t we? This command given by our Father is one in which we no longer serve idols or self, placing anything above Him in our lives. The first commandment is orienting us away from our idols so that what we won’t turn away from, gets removed…. It is the same way in which the Lord is there in our time of need. We need Him don’t we more than anything or anyone?
The Father is surely pleading with His people via manifestations upon the Earth to turn from our wicked sinful ways.
He gave me something I am going to share before I go… Because I kept hearing the Lord say in my spirit, “I am the storm…” This is how He is revealing truth of humanity as He is manifesting…
WINDS – The Holy Spirit is blowing and moving upon the Earth
FIRE – People consuming one another
FLOOD – Self-righteousness and pride is being exposed
VOLCANOES – Anger is erupting all over
HAIL – People stoning one another
EARTHQUAKES – Our faith is being shaken
DROUGHTS – Famines in the land for the hunger of the word of God
SICKNESS – Spiritual conditions of souls on Earth
PESTELANCES LIKE GRASSHOPPERS – Reflects how the enemy is devouring the inhabitants of the Earth
So what’s to come – lawlessness? Why is this happening?
Are you ready for the falling away? Can you see the falling away? Those who have spiritual eyes to see can see it unfolding clear as day…
What is unfolding… 2Thessalonians 2 ~
7 For the [d]mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only [e]He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.
Please do not look for a MAN OF LAWLESSNESS… it says MYSTERY of lawlessness, doesn’t it? It is a mystery because it is within each of us. We are enduring an internal battle of Spirit vs Old Creature. I am just going to have to leave this at that for now.
So if we take a step back to take in the beauty of all our Father in Heaven is doing at the moment it is with a grateful heart we can praise Him each and every day – If we look to the forest in awe, saying that is Him and get our eyes off of the tree of self, we will praise Him in this storm and rise above it in a most whole hearted way celebrating with Him in the truth knees that have not bowed to Him before are doing so – lips who have not called out to Him to heal are discovering He is mighty to save. And we too are learning the greater depths of the truth He will never leave us or forsake us. In this shaking, we are worshiping Him in Spirit and in Truth – many of us for the first time are bowing before Him fully!
Let’s pray ~
Heavenly and merciful Father, You are the great I am, You are One Who we can always run to and count on in our time of need. And Father we need You now in ways we never imagined. Strengthen these dead bones to rise, to be borne of a great witness and testimony to Your mighty Name. Fortify within us Lord a new and renewed truth and hope in You. Give us Spiritual eyes to see that You are for us and not against as You overwhelm us with Your love in that we may go forth as witnesses which overshadow others in faith, hope and love. As You pour in, may we pour out the purity of Your love in whole heartedness, no longer tainted with mixture. We thank You Lord for breaking every stronghold over our minds and hearts and for the idols we’ve held so near and dear to us to be removed. Forgive us for times we have participated in entertainment, calling it Holy or sought gain of any kind by taking your Name in vain. As others point to us as the mighty ones – may we continually point to only You. Deliver us Lord from every wile of the enemy which seeks to influence or taint us in anyway while we surrender to the shield of faith that only Jesus provides. Above all else Lord make us instruments of Your peace as You send us forth into a lost and dying World. Lure us Father with Your love and keep us hidden discretely within that love, knowing it is perfect and casts away all fear. Sanctify our minds Holy Father in that we no longer invite in weeds of knowledge which so easily ensnare us into distractions. We surrender all our desires and wills to the completion of You until we are One, just as Jesus prayed we say Yes Lord, have Your perfect way within us. We ask all this in Jesus’s most precious and Heavenly Name. Amen.
Thank you all so very much for joining me today! I thank the Lord for keeping you all centered on Him and protected at each moment while He sends you forth each day.
It is with a grateful heart I honor those of you who support ROF Ministries, whether that be in prayer, words of encouragement, writing inmates or financially. If you are led to come along beside us, healing hearts His way, please contact me at or go to where you can post a prayer request or send a donation via paypal or through the mail. Believe me, we could not do this without you all assisting us, however the Lord leads.
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