Enduring Sensitivity To Rejection ~

  • Transcript from broadcast February 9, 2020
  • Disclaimer… Just to quench the overly zealous…  I understand already – we are a new creature in Christ, I also understand we do not bow down to the psychology or medical diagnosis of men and I am very well aware Jesus defeated this and every single stronghold which seeks to hold us captive at the cross and by His mercy and grace we are free indeed.  Thank You Lord.

Now that we have that settled…  I also want to say, like I mentioned before – today’s broadcast is not necessarily for everyone.  However, the Lord placed it very firmly into my heart we need to have a family gathering to just talk a bit amongst ourselves for others too, those of us who due to our upbringing and such have an extreme sensitivity to rejection.  So that is what we are gonna do today!  The whole purpose of this discussion is to gain clarity and soberness of the mind in order that we walk in fullness of joy and wholeness of heart.

I remember Jodi telling me one time about a dream she had in which Jesus came to her and said, “Are you willing to walk through fire to get to me?”  And she told Him, “no….”  It actually troubles her soul to this day in sadness.  He has shown her much over the course of a few years about why she refused and such…  But, I am using that as an example for us today being…. “Will you be made whole?”  Will you?  Because wholeness is a process, a marathon, not a sprint.  It is also not a Salvation issue, it is a perfect work issue.  It is why Jesus asked… Will you be made whole – we have a choice/freewill to decide if we are willing to walk through fire (suffering) to get to a place where Jesus is our everything.  In that, we have to leave the past behind us, there is no looking back and sadly, we often lose people and stuff we love on this journey.  In truth, we lose our selves.  In truth, we no longer seek to save our own lives, but instead gain life everlasting in Jesus.

Suffered surrender fills us with oil/wisdom in order we may be sent out to others.  Which is why we are going over this today – so that we understand where we have been, how the Lord restored us for two reasons – we recognize it in others and have a sincere compassion towards them.  It truly is the laying your life down for your brother or sister. 

Sincere compassion is only gleaned from a heart that says I understand, in truth.  The days of religious patronizing are over – as the Spirit is pouring out on all flesh, authenticity in our walk is revealed to people and there is no affirmation in those who say they understand and yet they do not.  The ones sent will and are the ones who have overcome all things in Jesus in pure transparent honesty.  How can they hear unless one is sent?  Well, get ready you all, because Jesus is getting ready to unleash the least of these upon the World because you are honest, humble and on fire for Him!  Humility is the requirement of the hour, to not be fearful to confess your past in order to demonstrate that Jesus is Lord in your life in that He Alone is pointed to as the Glorious One.  Sinner turned Saint… is the one true voice which will break forth in these last days. I’ve walked through fire, you’ve walked through fire but Jesus has been with us the whole time.  So whether you knew it then or just realized it today – He never left us, nor will He.  He is so committed to His love for us He demonstrated the greatest sacrifice of all, aside from death…  He endured shame.  And some of you are enduring that same shame today, maybe even your whole life.  I know that shame very, very well…

You all want to hear a little about the shame I carried most all my life?

  • Dad abandoned me at 5 and the sexual abuse by a neighbor started within a few weeks
  • My sister was born with severe handicaps
  • My mom was so empty of love she looked to men constantly
  • No one cared for me much as a child – made fun of a lot (skinny, dirty, mom got pregnant by my teacher, money/food never there, power off, etc….)
  • She left me when I was 14 to move several states away…. Man again

That was only the first 14 years of my life… but to spare the time boring you – just believe me when I say the rest of my life has looked very much the same.  I guess you could say I have lived the “Perfect Storm of Abandonment” my whole life.  Me and even some of you have been groomed by the hands of those who were supposed to love, cherish and nurture us to be extremely sensitive to rejection.

Jodi for example was a product of a rape, her mother was a teenager at the time and wanted an abortion but her Granny would not allow it so she not only grew up without a dad at all, her very own mother her whole childhood rejected her because Jodi was an actual physical manifestation of a tragedy, evil and shameful act done to her.  These stories I shared are not unique to us, but once we no longer fear to face the tragedy, it vanishes like a vapor from us and the stronghold is broken when the shame is.  The enemy loves to bind and tie us to a life of condemnation through shame, but once we speak openly about the trials, poof the shame is gone and you feel so free!  Denial places a barrier around the soul which prevents deliverance – I mean real and lasting deliverance – not man’s deliverance either that they speak a word over you which feels good at the moment until you lay in bed at night and the tears stain your pillow.  I’m talking Jesus wholeness here! Yay!

Let’s break some chains and quench some arrows today… Okay?

If you are joining us today and you have not suffered at the hands of rejection I say Praise the Lord and may He cultivate within you a sincere compassionate heart towards those of us have been granted this lot in life.  I say ‘granted” because it truly is a blessing to have been given such honor to overcome all things by His handiwork and be used as a love light pointing the way to Jesus in such a beautiful way.  However, if I am discerning correctly, there is not one human who has not been rejected in one way or another at some time during their journey on Earth.  So if we embrace Jesus, we will endure most everything He endured to a lighter degree, for the sake of freedom for Him to be lifted up as the Most High and the perfection of the Saints.

Believe me – I had no idea there even was such a thing until the Lord just perfectly in His way brought this to me.  Being a firm believer in the truth that we gain wisdom by our trials and tribulations we overcome in Him, He transforms us by qualifying us in order to send us out to others who suffer just as we have and point them in love and comfort to Only One – His Name is Jesus.  There is no need to convince or rehash all the Scripture we’ve studied recently how compassion is cultivated through our trials of suffering in that Jesus get glory and we already said, “yes, Lord, send me, I will go…”  So part of that process is – He always reveals before He delivers us, which is why today we are going to talk about:

Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

Please do not be alarmed by the word “dysphoria.”  In Greek, dysphoria simply means “something which is hard to endure.”  So see… everyone has some sort of dysphoria.  We endure something and then in Jesus we overcome each obstacle hindering us.  If we didn’t have these obstacles to face in our lives, we wouldn’t even need a Savior who came for the lost and we all are in need of saving. Amen.

In that there is a particular group of us who have suffered such great rejection and abandonment we are extremely sensitive in nature.  I can only speak to that which I know and have walked out my own life… And with His help we are going to learn more about the why’s of what fire He chose to use for us to be purified with…  Rejection and abandonment.

I often hear the whispers as I read between the lines, discerning what many are not saying to us, but thinking it in their hearts…  “Who sinned to cause this illness?”  Humans are always looking to blame someone for something that makes their flesh uncomfortable and they also desire we look to them for the answer, as if they actually have it.  Quite often denial is all they have to offer, of which I have no desire to partake in.  When one is tried by fire, hypocrisy and inflated ego is exposed so that humility gives way to seeing the Lord’s mighty hand upon a soul one with Him.  Even the innocent souls at the throne are crying out saying – How long oh Lord, Holy and True will it be before you avenge our blood? 

The Father warns about those who shed innocent blood…  Many of you were innocent at the time your blood was shed, just like Jesus who was innocent, accused, harmed and left for dead – but He rose again and so will you!

Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria or rather, Enduring rejection has gotten so hard I am extremely sensitive to it, whether it is placed upon me or someone else.  That is me and that is also some of you.

Signs of RSD:

  • Sensitive to what others think about you
  • Sensitive to what others say about you
  • Do not handle rejection well
  • Get very upset when you are shunned for any reason, imagined or true
  • Take criticism very personally as if they must change to meet the standards of others
  • Easily offended & hurt
  • Work hard to make everyone like them or admire them
  • Will avoid situations in which you might get hurt in the heart
  • Give up easily on relationships and move onto others, repeating the same patterns to be accepted
  • Fear of being embarrassed in front of others
  • You may believe you are being rejected when you are not, then a self-fulfilling prophecy occurs by pushing others away saying you were rejected but you weren’t
  • When you perceive someone as rejecting you – you will change, saying they changed
  • Have emotional outbursts or get angry when you think someone is rejecting you
  • You do not understand someone can disagree with you and not turn away from you
  • You will withhold love from those you perceive are abandoning you
  • You will set high standards for yourself that you cannot meet
  • Have low self-esteem – evidenced by extreme ego/pride to overcompensate or often use self-condemnation so others will pay attention to you
  • Get anxious in social settings or hide behind a fake façade
  • Often feel like a failure when you do not meet other people’s expectations
  • Place yourself as a care giver for others in order to feel valued and needed
  • May sometimes fixate on death or entertain thoughts of hurting yourself
  • May gravitate to social media for interaction because you can control it and it is emotionally safe, less engaging and intimate
  • Frequent battles with depression – you desire closeness, then push it away all at the same time
  • Suffered severe abuse or trauma as a child, although it can happen at anytime
  • Highly spiritually in tune with others and sensitive to their natures
  • You may react when seeing others rejected or abandoned – which sets off your emotions to a higher level than it would others
  • You imagine someone is criticizing you or rejecting you when they are not due to the trauma of your past – certain words, situations can trigger you
  • Due to shame of not being good enough, you either bond too quickly or to the wrong people or refuse to allow anyone to bond with you
  • You perceive you have disappointed others when you haven’t and think because of that disappointment they have withdrawn their love, approval or respect from you
  • You hide your emotions from others and refuse to be vulnerable or intimate with someone
  • You may have extreme emotional outbursts and try to overcompensate the pain by compromising yourself to be accepted and loved
  • You believe if people knew the real you… they wouldn’t like, love or accept you
  • You always assume the worst case scenario in situations
  • Often say you are sorry for things out of your influence
  • Ridden with guilt
  • Spend a lot of time thinking about past hurts, rejection, abandonment – lives in the past a lot with regret
  • Feelings of inadequacy like you are never doing enough
  • Constantly second guessing yourself
  • May embellish events or fake illnesses to get respect or attention
  • Frequently try to force someone to love and commit to you

Okay…. I will stop there, I think we get the picture.  Whew… Let’s all take a deep breath.  That was a lot wasn’t it?  Some of it you likely can relate to, not all of it, but some of it.  You also likely can discern some of those characteristics in others, fortifying compassion within you.  In truth, without Jesus, we are all hot messes. Lol  When I go over this list you could pretty much say at some point in time I am pretty much guilty all the way around.

So all that we just went over is the Old Creature because once we realize we are no longer our own, as we have been bought and paid for with a very heavy price – we blossom into a New Creature.  That sounds all great and all… It gives us a promise and a hope… However, we take a pause because we know deep down inside, that old creature remains asleep quite often hidden by us through the sewing of fig leaves and concealed by shame almost every day.  We fear and tremble at the thought by which one criticism, brisk tone by which someone answers us or non-response from another our whole world is going to come crashing down.  So we move throughout this life, attempting to overcompensate, making up for love lost over time in search of just that one who will embrace to love at least a portion of who we really are. 

Have you ever just hoped and wished someone would at least put in close to the same effort as you do to cultivate love in a relationship?  Or have you considered the fact that if you did not keep the relationship together it would fall apart because you are doing most of the sacrifice of loving?  Have you wondered if you walked away, would that person come after you because you surely would them?  All these questions pondered by the heart… Mine and even yours and I know this because of the ministry the Lord allows me to do with you.  These are the ties that bind.  But they are binding us to those who the Lord has not purposed us to be yoked with… If we were equally yoked with them…  We would be able to walk openly and freely, as Jesus would be the Head of that particular relationship and love would remain no matter what.

I keep thinking Jesus…  I want to touch you, feel you – I believe You are right there, but I cannot hold you and talk to you and commune with you in a way that relates to my human side.  I know that may sound odd, but I really do talk to Him like a best friend this way.  A part of me is envious of how the disciples got the opportunity to actually walk and talk with Him – He even washed their feet.  They believed and even stumbled at times with seeing Him – but we are appointed to walk and believe without seeing.  It holds a promise, but it doesn’t mean any of this is easier.  He just gives us grace and mercy to get through it most times.  And Jesus is so very understanding and compassionate – He is trustworthy too, so do not fear rejection in sharing your heart cries with Him – because when you speak to Him this way, guess what?  He draws you ever so close to Him.  I don’t know how He does it – but He will comfort, heal and place joy within you all at the same time – it is miraculous really!

We need to keep in mind… Who the Lord sets free is free indeed.  Jesus alone came to set the captives free.  But we are no longer a slave to anything or anyone except HIM.  It is time to let go and let God handle us and those we love in His perfect way.  Just because you lost yourself a little or your voice a lot, does not mean you are lost…  And even if you are… that is okay too, Jesus leaves the 99 to come after that little one lost and wandering in the dark and cold World, shivering and scared, broken and bruised.  You are His specialty.  And by the way, there is no shame in crying – Jesus told us our tears are collected in a bottle and my personal favorite is in Revelation 21:4 ~~

God will wipe away all tears from our eyes and there shall be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the former things have passed away.

It goes on to say ~~  He makes all things new (you & me)

He also says – His words are faithful and true and we can actually believe them, trust them, have faith in Him as He always performs His word – no broken promises here!  Have you ever suffered a horrendous heartbreak and thought to yourself – I should be extremely upset right now?  That was Jesus releasing His loving healing hand to mend and bind up the wounds in your heart – it is an internal work and supernatural in nature.

So what are we doing here anyway?  The Scripture I just shared from Revelation 21 is a promise to us for that which is to come – A New Heaven & A New Earth.  A perfect, void of the old creature, dwelling with the Lord in which we as His people will actually rule and reign with Him here.

But what is sooooo amazing is that even now, today, in this moment – His Kingdom is at hand…  Meaning one touch of His healing hand, all that was old passes away from inside us… He is in the business of making things new – making you new so that the hurts of the past no longer have any effect on us – because when He rules the heart it is only His effect that reigns over us.  What a glorious story of truth this is… like being reborn for real!

Jesus is showing me a picture of His hand stretching out to each one of you and coming forth from His heart calling You is His gentle and priceless voice saying…  Will you be made whole?  This is His greatest heart’s desire for you as His child to be whole, to leave all that is behind you now and walk forward this day forward with Him.  This takes commitment on our parts to no longer look backward.  To remove the garments of old and replace them with a garment of praise.  When we do this consciously, we then begin to be that salt and love light others are drawn too.  As a well of pure water, He will gather those around us who need the pure water which indwells us by His abiding love within.  He already told us new wine is not placed within an old wineskin.  The wineskin is – you ready?  Your mindset…  About others, yourself, the past… everything that is not of Him must be gone.  Having the mindset of Christ means, no longer entertaining the wounds of the past, but seeing all things working together for our good and the good of others.  It is the difference between sitting on the sidelines observing the game or actually being a starter on the field participating in the game. 

Life isn’t going anywhere…  It is what it is.  We’ve ran away long enough, don’t you think?  So before I go… I have an “ouchy” for you…  Ready?  I warned you ahead of time…  this hurts me too… But…  The only reason people can hurt us like they do, we have them higher on the throne of our hearts than we should.  We are still looking to man to rescue us in some way and love us more than they are capable of, while we prefer to please them over Jesus.  Ouch – I told you so… that one stung a bit, didn’t it?

So in all this we’ve learned if we refuse to admonish our fleshly ways of the old creature we simply cannot walk by the Spirit.  All that heartbreak is walking by the flesh, it is already healed and whole by the offering if we will take what is given to us so that we do actually walk by the Spirit – free from dead things.  Abandonment, rejection, etc… is a dead thing and unclean – which is why we are not to touch any unclean thing.  Time to let it all go, take the wisdom up like a pearl and go forth at the leading of the Holy Spirit – the Harvest is plentiful and ready, the workers are few when stuck in the pool of the past.

Old Creature – walking in the offense of the past

New Creature – walking in wholeness in the Spirit

Lastly, this is an ongoing polishing process…  It is continual, not a one time remedy fix all solution because what happens in this process is intimacy is sealed with Jesus.  This intimacy is not a one time fix…  Can you imagine marrying someone and only “knowing them intimately once?”  Same is true for our relationship with Jesus – He truly is our everything, to know Him is to fall in love with Him – which resembles love between a husband and wife only greater, deeper and definitely everlasting because this is one union that truly is eternal.  It starts here on Earth, but is completed there in the Heavenly Kingdom.

You know there is really nothing more I can add to what I shared today with you all.  I am going to pray before I close for today, but do you have any questions or comments you want to share first?

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and gracious Father, we honor and thank You this day for Your mercies which are new every morning.  As our minds try to wrap around Your essence we fall short of knowing Your loving intent towards us and for this we ask forgiveness in our weakness.  We also ask for You to forgive us in times we were so heart sick and mind sick that we falsely accused others, ourselves and even You.  Today we plead for Your healing touch inside our minds Lord, make them sober, purposely focused on You in truth, not biased in our own perceptions but give us Spiritual eyes to see all truth so that we think upon lovely things not darkness or falsified burdens.  And Lord please touch our hearts, going deep beyond the barriers and walls we have erected into the hidden shame and wounds of the past and deliver us Lord by pouring healing within so that we may glorify Your Name and carry forth that healing balm to others.  Help us Lord to be transparent, no longer hiding the old creature but like dead man’s bones brought to life we walk hand in hand abiding with You as a new creature.  I thank You Lord for Your wisdom and that by the Holy Spirit You teach us about those in the World so intimately that even though we are not of the World we can be an asset of blessing to those who still are.  Our heart’s desire Lord is to be used by You, that what You say we say and where You go we will go.  Thank You Lord for crucifying self within us no matter what it takes Father, may You rule and have dominion over us as we learn to surrender more and more to You each day.  In Jesus’s Precious and Holy Name we pray.  Amen.

I surely pray this message today gave you more clarity with a purpose to seek Jesus continually and wisdom and understanding for just why our hearts are so sensitive with compassion to those who are hurting.  As we surrender the Lord in His mighty way is working all things together for our good – even the hurts and pains, all of it will be that which takes the darkness of the past and propels you fully into His light.

Next time we may talk a little about the “residue of rejection” and a prime example of this in the Bible is Jacob.  So you if want to read ahead or even explore today’s topic further in the word – reading about Jacob is an excellent place to start, I think you will be a bit surprised how you can relate to him on many levels.

Quite often we as innocents will cling to the bad which was done to us – may we walk free of that from this day forward as we cling only to that which is good – Jesus, the lover of our souls.  When He is all we want, we will believe He is all we will need.

Narcissist/Jezebel ~ Codependent/Ahab Bible Study PART 3


So in keeping on our current journey of Study and Reflection on how we have opened ourselves up as play things for the enemy, today we are going to look at the bridge, to divide and conquer, the enemy has used to accomplish his will in our lives, which at times has left us in a pile of rubble.  Before we get too far into understanding Narcissism and those who are under such influence, I want to explore how one operates in this fashion.  Since we alone open the door to tolerating the influence of others in our lives, it is good to know the tactics by a term very familiar to most everyone… Witchcraft.   And before we proceed, in case you are wondering if witchcraft is inside the Church – I will answer that question simply and truthful – absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt it is.

You know for days I pondered the next step in our Study and of course, like clockwork as I set aside today to continue working on it…  The enemy came in like a flood, using the very tactics I have been searching out to talk with you about.  Which this truly is not a bad thing whatsoever, because it is during these times we have a blessed opportunity to check our own hearts, seek our Lord Jesus and continue for our hearts to be purified from within.

Many of us are under condemnation from others every single day and some days all those dark spirits gang up together for a timely assault… Today, that would be me.  It is as if they all met together behind the scenes and said – let’s go after her today and see if we can take her down so maybe if we come at her from different angles, using those closest to her our assignment will be finished.  Sound familiar to any of you?

When this happens, first and foremost we must not get offended and respond by emotions.  Please remember, just because someone says something about you, does not make it so.  If the truth was known, we all have faulty perceptions of one another…  What breaks my heart is when people use those perceptions as if they gleaned the information from our Lord and think they are actually doing Him a favor in accusing you.  To me, that is most heartbreaking.  The Lord desires we reach a place of compassion towards those who do this so we can humbly pray and say – “Forgive them Lord they know not what they do.”  I must admit doing so is easier said than done, but if we focus on our Lord and all He went through for us it is so much easier to submit to His ways, leaving behind our own.

In all this process, I am seeing more and more why the Lord has a controversy with His Church, because in reality we are not emulating “His Church” not yet, because there is so much vanity in it, we really are more clearly defined as “Our Church.”  The fallen church is full of vanity where witchcraft runs a muck.  The Book of Revelation explains it so well in that, we often “tolerate” Jezebel which goes against the principals and commands of Jesus.

I remember years ago in an interview when President Obama was asked a question.  They asked him — Do you defeat the enemy or reason with them?  He answer was reason, but that isn’t my point.  I remember that question from so long ago because it struck something in my Spirit and I thought to myself then and I do now – This problem even inside the Church… We have too many people trying to “Reason with the enemy” when he has already been defeated.  We have been given the keys to life and the authority to walk in Jesus so the enemy will flee but he doesn’t because of our own desire to be noticed, important, have glory, etc….  We, like our Nation, have been compromised from within.  Reasoning with the enemy is a characteristic of a true Codependent who runs themselves ragged, believing they can save the World and all those in it.  Jesus offered His water of life everlasting, but He never forced anyone to drink it.  My prayer is we understand the workings of the enemy to begin to no longer tolerating him at work, which is only part of the steps we need to take in ridding ourselves of his influence in our minds, hearts, lives and so on.  The worse enemy is a hidden one and I pray today, just like I have been for quite some time, that all those operating out of any spirit of witchcraft be exposed and those under the influence of such are delivered and healed by the Mighty Hand of Jesus Himself.  That darkness is extracted from their hearts and He pour into them so they become a usable vessel for His Glory.

Let’s pray?

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to seek You and learn more about the story of us.  We have fallen at times but always count on Your hand to lift us up back into the way You would have us go.  Please forgive us for taking anything for granted You have set before us or for times we get caught up in vain imaginations which go against Your will or Your ways.  We ask You Lord to deliver us from all evil, whether that be in our own thought processes, assumptions of ourselves or others.  We seek the sober mind of Christ Jesus so we are able to do Your bidding on the Earth until You take us Home to be with You.  Lord I bind up the enemy so he has no place to operate during this teaching, may all his false accusations fall to the ground where they cannot bear any fruit covered by the Blood of the Lamb.  In Jesus Name I release soberness, gentleness, meekness, compassion and love which is pure flowing from Your throne of grace.  Help us to root out all that is not of You in our lives so we stand uprightly and walk according to Your plan.  In Jesus Mighty Name, speak to us Holy Spirit, your servants are listening and open to Your conviction and teaching. Amen.


So… Narcissists have a tool they use… It is called “Witchcraft” and like any tool it is what they use to accomplish their work here on Earth.  Keeping in mind the purpose of when a tool is used, we must understand it takes a worker to use the tool to accomplish the job they have set in mind to accomplish.  Therefore, there are set in place “Conduits” the enemy uses to accomplish his desire on Earth, just like we are Vessels FOR THE LORD, there are vessels of dishonor against Him.  BOTH are called HUMANS.

Please stay with me now, because this is imperative to understand.  Do not be fearful of what the enemy may propose against you in any way because we as Children of the Most High God are covered by the Blood of the Lamb, Who never will forsake us and He always provides a Way of Escape – His Name is Jesus, The Way, The Truth and The Life.  I will warn you to stay in agreement with Him and only Him, keep Him as your total focus as you fixate upon only to be pleasing unto Him.  When we take our eyes off Him for only a brief moment, the enemy can beat us up just a little.  I know because it has happened to me, even recently.  Once our Light exposes darkness it tries to hide and if tolerated it will lash out, squirming and accusing.  This is why we have been building a strong foundation in our Lord Jesus as of late.  Once uncovered, once a nest is stirred up in the Spirit I discovered the very thing you are exposing will in turn accuse you of being that influence in the lives of others.  This is a weak attempt, a last attempt to draw you away from that which you were assigned.  But never mind, he cannot have you and he cannot have me.  We are already bought and paid for by a high dollar price, through a life laid down in exchange for the grand opportunity to give glory only to the Lord from on High.  A little false accusation pales in comparison to the reward of Him.

As soon as I started praying all witchcraft be exposed a few days ago and taking a deeper look into how we are not to “tolerate the workings of Jezebel” it lit a fire in those who do just that.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you, but the beauty is as long as we stay in love itself and seek our own hearts to be purged of all remnants of the old creature, the Lord will continue to purge us and purify our hearts.  After all, He works all things together for the good for those who are called by His Name, even accusations polish His hand crafted vessel time to time.?

It is only by prompting of the Holy Spirit I would even attempt to discuss witchcraft because anyone who knows me, knows this is not a topic I desire to peer into at all.  However, the Lord wants us to keep walking and learning precept upon precept and line upon line and not remain ignorant of the enemy’s devices.  Before we get started, I want to remind you this is a tool the enemy uses, just like one of our weapons of warfare is prayer to bring down the enemy he, uses witchcraft to bring himself up.

Just to clarify we never give glory to the kingdom of darkness, however, we are not being wise to underestimate those who are against us.  So for today we are going to take a wide eye look into the ploys of the enemy in the form of witchcraft.  There are many generational curses passed down from generation to generation, often we are even unaware of what has been spoken over us in times past and yet we carry the residue unknowingly – these are often called “Family personality traits.”  Just like we have our Grandmother’s eyes or our Father’s nose… Our personality is marked with traits the same way.  Witchcraft is manipulation and manipulation is witchcraft both are control based and passed down as taught and learned response or provocation.  Since the Book of Revelation is written to the Church – I am speaking to those IN the church today, because if you think for one minute there are not people who operate out of these dark forces among us you are fooling yourself.  Hardly a day goes by I do not run into one of them inside the ministry, not outside of it.

Codependents by nature are the prime targets of Narcissists, which we discussed the why’s of that in Part 2 of this Series, but we will take that further and see how Codependents and Narcissists fuel one another in a future Study.  I am not so concerned with “Naming” the dark forces operating, because they lie about who they even are, but rather understanding who their puppet master is.  And I guarantee if you belong to Jesus they know who you are and that you are not one of them because you serve our Lord.  People under their control just cannot seem to help themselves and sadly they often believe they are doing God’s will in what they do, as stated in John 16:2 which reads:

They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

As a matter of fact, if you notice here…  They will kill you (even with just words) in order to put you out of the church fellowship.  And quite often it is based in jealousy, envy and their need to be in control.  This can happen in any type of fellowship you may be in, such as at work or with your family.  If you have a loving nature, they are outside of love and therefore, they want you to stop spreading the love of Jesus as a result they will do crafty things to devise ways to stop the flow of love itself or rather the flow of God.  This is nothing more than a work of the flesh, operating through a vessel who has not died to the flesh fully yet.  Flesh agents are agents of satan because he commands them to accomplish his killing, stealing and destruction.  These vessels do not have power, the demon operating through them has the power and they are just being used.  Makes you really want to die to the flesh daily doesn’t it?  It is why we are told in Ephesians 6:12:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Spiritual warfare is just that… Spiritual.  We have no authority under self to conquer that which is operating through someone’s flesh.  We must stand in the authority of Jesus Himself, to combat that which is in opposition to Him in another’s flesh.  I hope that makes sense?  When we understand the true nature of the Spirit Realm, we develop a deep level of compassion for those who are operating under the binding of such dark forces, especially those who are unaware.  Each human on Earth is a yielded vessel either to dark or light, depending which master you serve.  And the one you serve is the one who indwells and operates through us to perform upon the Earth.  This goes along with the Scripture which says you cannot serve two masters in Mathew 6:23-24:

But if your vision is poor, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!  No one can serve two masters: Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.

Those who carry out the enemy’s plots have been conditioned early on through trauma, rejection, lack of love and any other sort of painful wound which has been left untreated, therefore turning into a root of vengeance such as,  “Someone is gonna pay for what happened to me…” Like I have said time and again, hurting people hurt people.  It is quite sad, because as you will see in our next Study of Narcissism they are hurting too and quite deserving to be freed of the chains that bind them through Jesus.

There are four main objectives of witchcraft:

  • To propitiate a higher spiritual being
  • To control the forces of nature, such as rain or good weather for harvest
  • To ward off sickness and infertility
  • To control other human beings—to terrify enemies in battle or to produce sexual desire in one person toward another.

Now let’s take a deeper glance into the characteristics of witchcraft operating inside the church, some of which you will recognize and some may be new insights, but with all truth it is important we look inwardly first to insure these tactics are not coming by our own hand.

These would be considered RECOGNIZABLE WEAPONS the enemy is using to conquer and overcome Christ Followers and divide us so we do not reflect THE BODY OF CHRIST.

As we go over these examples this should cause your discernment to rise up and take notice.


  • To engage the spiritual world to enforce one’s will upon another
  • Using powers and authorities other than the Holy Spirit to exercise healing and deliverance
  • When someone tries to pull you out of a fellowship because they themselves are offended
  • Someone who doesn’t just tell others they need to be saved, but gives directives on HOW to be saved, which are not Biblically inspired.
  • The usage of lucky charms or superstitions for covering (anointing oil, etc…)
  • Manipulation and control of any sorts – often playing the guilt card or intimidation
  • Being crafty or sneaky to accomplish one’s desire
  • Habitual practices such as throwing salt over your shoulder when some is spilled
  • Using prophetic future telling as a way to direct a person in the way they should go
  • Laying on of hands as a diviner or soul healer where the source is not the Holy Spirit
  • Guiding people in a spiritualist fashion into the past or future
  • Intense interest in ghost hunting, demon hunting, UFO’s, crossing over experiences or other supernatural activity – ANY engagement with the spiritual world outside of the command of God is dangerous and destructive
  • Ritualistic tendencies as a method to God (confession before a priest, etc…)
  • A deep desire to attain knowledge
  • Hyper-charismatic influences pointing to only a certain person for knowledge, prayer, approval and attention. (false sense of belief someone or yourself is “Holier” than you are)
  • Holding someone to a financial obligation in order to receive deliverance
  • Using fear to draw someone closer to the Lord
  • Angel intrigue and worship
  • Soul hunting/conversion versus Jesus leading people unto Salvation – He is the only way
  • Attempting to shield or protect another, standing in place of the Lord
  • Overly caught up in future events – sign seeking
  • Cultivating of soul ties – switching dependence of others on self (as in, so & so cannot make it without me…)
  • Seeking man to answer questions as a ruling authority – or placing yourself as the only one who holds all the answers
  • Speaking with or seeing dead people – even in dreams
  • Suspicious of others
  • Being in a state of rebellion – unteachable, threatening
  • Seeking for others to pay for their wrongs – vengeance minded
  • Cursing others – Name calling, speaking death, comparing one’s walk with your own, deciding who is saved and who isn’t, predisposed to assuming someone is not saved based on outward appearance, overly concerned with people being saved (not just leaving it in God’s hands) — All of these are forbidden forms of control in the lives of unbalanced people
  • Chaotic personality, running to fro with the inability to be at rest (The Father even rested on the 7th day as a demonstration to His Creation even rest is purposeful)
  • All works of the flesh listed in Galatians 5:19-21 (Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, etc…)
  • Desire to be noticed, attention seeking, even to the point of being admired and worshiped – competitive mindset (sayings of – If I was in charge, I would…)
  • Gossip, backbiting, falsehoods, rebellion against church leaders and those the Lord has placed in authority – vain imaginations
  • Bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, competition
  • Refusal to repent or standing in the way of repentance in others
  • Seductive speech luring someone into a one on one situation – isolating
  • Boasting on self (how much you give, lay your life down, souls you’ve saved, etc…)
  • Giving gifts/money/time/attention with expected outcome to feed one’s pride (we are to do our good deeds in secret so our Father can reward us openly)
  • Telling lies in order to gain favor, embellishing the truth
  • Coming into agreement with things which are not Holy and Sanctified – unequally yoked
  • Betrayal
  • Easily swayed
  • Lack of integrity – let your yes mean yes and your no mean no

This is just a small sampling of how witchcraft is operating in the church today.  We have all been guilty to some degree of manipulating others or events to bring about a move of God.  We have had the right motive with the wrong means, in order to be His hands and feet.

Deuteronomy 18:18-22

18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. 19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him. 20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken?22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

I have had many words spoken over me which were given out of a place of love and yet did not come to pass.  I am sure you all can relate.  This is why we must be ever so careful not to hand out promises over someone’s life, which are not Biblically founded AND Holy Spirit inspired.  Remember, we will give account for every single idle (unfruitful for the Kingdom of the Lord) word we have spoken.

I will share one example in my life in which if I was not grounded in the Lord and looking to Him, I would have floundered in much fear and heartache.  I do not want to share who did this because that person is no longer with us as she has gone home to be with the Lord.  I will tell you she was very close to me and I loved her very much…  I guess you could say I had let her into my inner circle so to speak.  Just a few years ago we were talking on the phone and she told me the Lord had shown her my mom was going to die the following summer, which was only a few months away.  Knowing my mom has many health concerns, it was not totally unreasonable this could transpire.  But as soon as she said this – I just knew inside this was not a word from the Lord, I could see past the person, knowing the enemy was using her to instill fear and all sorts of emotions within me.  Not too long after that this person herself was diagnosed with cancer and died only a few months later.  I am not saying these two things had anything to do with one another, that is the Father’s business and not of my concern.  Glory to God, three years have passed and my mother is still here and for that I am ever grateful.  Using this as an example, this person had the right heart intent, however she was not operating out of the Holy Spirit. We too can become blinded in pride and unteachable to consider just maybe we are not hearing correctly and worse yet, delivering a falsehood.  I have found this to be true for all us, even me at times.

This is a good reminder to take all things to the Lord, be still and wait upon Him.  If we get a word and it is coming from the Holy Spirit – I promise you He will not let you rest until you deliver that word.  Remember, that which we do to others we actually are doing unto Him.  This should give us pause every single day.

We have been studying so much about self-will and rebellion being in opposition to God’s will and finding peace in Him being God, as we sit quiet and still while waiting for Him to move.  It is becoming so much clearer as to why He has taught us to die to the flesh daily, because all forms of witchcraft are workings of the flesh.  Samuel 15:23 says “Rebellion is the sin of witchcraft.”

We are to give no place to the devil, in our lives, in the church or elsewhere as we avoid appearances of all evil as we bind demonic activity and shut all doors which allow darkness to operate.  I shared before how the Lord laid it on my heart to stop tolerating Jezebel, just as it was written in Revelation to not “Suffer her to operate.”  Defined in Greek this means:  To allow, permit, not restrain or not reveal.  My prayer is when this entity comes knocking on our hearts, it will find nothing in us and therefore flee being bound and unable to perform.  The not tolerating the control of Jezebel starts within us individually.

In our next Study Series we are going to go much further into the characteristics of Narcissists Personality Types and their characteristics.  Today we went over HOW they operate and next time we will expose who they really are so we are better able to discern when they are at work around us, in order we can resist the mission they have been commanded to carry out.

Isaiah 54:17 says:

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

Interpreted – We know no tactic or tool formed against us as the Body of Believers in Jesus Christ shall overtake us or be profitable for their kingdom of darkness to rule over us.  Therefore, also we understand that every single mouth which rises up against us by judging the Lord will condemn them because we have an inheritance being the Lord’s servant who are infused with His righteousness.

There is an exception though to the Promise of this Scripture.  Should we be doing that very thing, we ourselves, open ourselves up to the Godly Order of sowing and reaping, which is required for us to experience that which we have inflicted upon another void of repentance.

This is an extremely serious time we live in.  In addition, for our own protection and safety the Lord has blessed us with the Bread of Life, His Word.  The Bible.  I caution myself and those listening that time is simply just too short to sow anything other than that which is permissible by our Lord.  Just like we have discussed today, the enemy has tools, however the Lord has not left us defenseless.  Our command is to walk in love at all times and the tools He has placed within us to overcome all things are peace, love, joy, kindness, longsuffering, gentleness and self-control.  We are planting a garden and Harvest time is certainly near.  We have been entrusted to tend to that Garden of Love for there is shortly coming a day that what is within (us) will be Harvested.  What shall be found within us and as it is… So will be our eternal Harvest.

May the Lord Bless You in His Love,

?Angela~Marked By Heaven
















A nice day

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Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

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Why Family Matters

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer.

  • Donec posuere vulputate arcu.
  • Phasellus accumsan cursus velit.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
  • Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue

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