?Who doesn’t like a Happy Ending?
The truth is I rarely watch TV anymore. Mainly because I am so busy doing the “Momma” thing, while being in the ministry full time, I rarely have just a moment to myself. With that being said… I do occasionally in the evenings, try to do something mindless and unwind as I lay on the couch and turn the TV on before bed. I do not like the News anymore, knowing most of it is not based in truth and is a set up for pivoting one person against another through blame, stirring up strife as to who’s fault this mess we are in is, in order to serve that person up on a platter of sacrifice and offering for the day.
Instead, I tend to gravitate to The Hallmark Channel – gotta love those pure love movies or some sort of Home Improvement Show. I must confess to you my guilty pleasure of being a faithful fan of Dr. Phil. He is so full of wisdom and loves Jesus and has a life laid down to helping others. Therefore, I find a commonality he and I share in assisting the hurting. He always says, “I will put some verbs in my sentences” and I too believe we can speak of freedom all day long, but if the person does not know how to walk out being free, it is often unfruitful. Dr. Phil assists those unto completion, which I love. In addition, my prayer life has grown exponentially over the course of time, as I intercede for those who are struggling in such a way.
Since I tend to have a constant and ongoing dialogue with Father, the other night I asked Him. Why do I like these shows? He spoke into my heart saying, “You like Happy Endings.” I sort of giggled and thought to myself, yes I do. At this point, I shut the TV off to spend alone time with just Him and ponder what He had shown me about me. I love the fact that He knows us better than we know ourselves.?
He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
He began to speak to me of beautiful things and how we too are a divine part of His Happy Ending, as He put the Earth into motion, He aligned the stars and all that was encompassed about, He breathed His breath of life into all of His creation. He does not make mistakes and all He does is perfect… We, being imperfect, He is forming us into the Image of His Son Jesus and therefore we too shall be perfect. In His time. When we give our hearts to Jesus, our life will follow. What is so beautiful is that we then discover we know nothing, where before we thought we knew it all. I love this part because I used to think I could handle my life, now seeing I can handle nothing in my own strength. Not even ENDINGS. Especially not ENDINGS.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2
We have all had so many losses in this life and with loss comes heartache. For those of us who are IN the World, but NOT OF IT, there are days when we feel down heartened and hopeless, as if our HAPPY ENDING will never come. The Lord reminded me our Happy Ending is not found in this World or even in our own time and even though He tarries, He is right on time. He wants us to stop searching for that which can never be found on Earth, our Happy Ending is reserved for a time to come. He was showing me how much of our frustration binds us down because we are still longing to have on Earth, only that which is gleaned from Heaven.
So why do I gravitate to these TV shows? Because my heart is all about reconciliation and turning something broken and falling apart into something beautiful and fruitful. Whether it be a broken down house or a broken down marriage or family dynamic, I am inspired to see the Lord working through love and design to make all things new.
He has been bringing to my remembrance lately of how it is in our place of brokenness we often seek to find Him more passionately and desperately. This delights Him very much. Knowing I do not have anything of worth to offer Him, it humbles me to tears that all He ever desires of me is to desire, Him.?
Jesus is our HAPPY ENDING.
And when we fully become one with Him again on that day, we too will share in our own HAPPY ENDING, as His beloved Bride who has denied herself all the happiness of this World, to gain that which is everlasting and pure… The LOVE OF JESUS.
To give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness…
Isaiah 61:3
May the Lord Bless You Today in His Love with a Promise and Hope for a NEW BEGINNING in Him.?
In His Pure Love,
?Angela~Marked By Heaven