A Tribute of Love

I’ve written a thousand words before, inspired by your life
But never thought about the day, when I’d have to say goodbye
In all of my selfishness if I could be King, only for today
I’d turn back time & you’d be here, telling me everything will be ok
You’d hold me in your loving arms, then find a way to make me laugh
We’d sit on the porch drinking sweet tea, reminiscing of the past
We’d talk about the good old days, when I was young and so were you
You’d tell me how I used to pester Bryce, & he’d kick me out of his room
I’d tell you how beautiful you are, & how much your life means
Then you’d quickly change the subject & go back to talking about me
Even though my heart is broken, I’m glad I’m not the King
Instead I’ll hold onto every word unspoken, & rejoice as the angels now sing
For you are a light God gave to me, for only a season in this life
To show me who I want to be & to set my eyes on the Most High
You taught me how to store up treasure, in the world beyond this vapor
To give freely, to love wholly & to do the work of Our Savior
Right now I know you’re looking down with a big smile on your face
I can only imagine how many crowns, God’s gifted you in your new place
So I’ll smile through the pain & I’ll laugh through the tears
I’ll cherish ever memory and know, that we do not say Goodbye here
Today, I’ll celebrate your victory & be glad that made it home
Looking forward to the day we meet again, in Heaven where we belong

                    Written By ~ Jodi in Memory of Granny♥

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